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Selects all documents, via GROQ's * selector. This is how most queries start.


Filters the query based on the document type.
Supports multiple type arguments."pokemon");
// Result GROQ: *[_type == "pokemon"]
// Result Type: Pokemon[]


Filters the query based on a GROQ expression.
The expression is a strongly-typed string, but only supports simple equality expressions.
.filterBy('category == "shoe"')

For more complex expressions, use .filter(expression):


Filters the query based on any GROQ expression.

⚠️ This method allows any GROQ string, and the syntax is not checked. Please use .filterBy for strongly-typed expressions.
.filter("price >= 50");
// Result GROQ: *[_type == "product"][price >= 50]
// Result Type: Product[]


Orders the results using a strongly-typed expression, such as "name asc" or "slug.current desc". Supports multiple sort expressions.
.order("price asc", "slug.current desc")
// Result GROQ: *[_type == "product"] | order(price asc, slug.current desc)
// Result Type: Product[]


Returns a single item from the results, based on the index.
// Result GROQ: *[_type == "product"][0]
// Result Type: Product

.slice(start, end, inclusive = false)

Returns a range of items from the results.
If inclusive is set, the end item will be included.
.slice(10, 20)
// Result GROQ: *[_type == "product"][10...20]
// Result Type: Product[]